On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 11:24:25AM +0100, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
hmm, can't make it work with the mouse wheel.
This works:
(define-gesture-name :up :pointer-button-press :middle)
This doesn't work:
(define-gesture-name :up :pointer-button-press :wheel-up)
I also tried ":pointer-button" in place of "pointer-button-press".
Hmm, sorry, no wheel mouse here, so I can't test. But shouldn't that be (define-gesture-name :up :pointer-button-press (:wheel-up))
Is there any way to find out, whether sbcl/mcclim is getting the event at all and what it gets translated into? The mouse wheel works in other applications.
Well, the wheel buttons are used in panes.lisp (for scrolling), so maybe you could just test scrolling with the mouse wheel. Thinking of it: maybe your application pane inherits from mouse-wheel-scroll-mixin and somehow the scroll event gets eaten by that class' dispatch-event ... Cheers, RalfD BTW, send me your newest version, I can test with scroll-wheel tomorrow.
-- Orm
Am Tuesday, den 21. December 2010 um 22:56:10 Uhr (+0100) schrieb rm@tuxteam.de:
.... (let ((real-device-name (case device-name (:left +pointer-left-button+) (:middle +pointer-middle-button+) (:right +pointer-right-button+) (:wheel-up +pointer-wheel-up+) (:wheel-down +pointer-wheel-down+) (t (error "~S is not a known button" device-name)))))
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