On 4/27/05, Duncan Rose <duncan@robotcat.demon.co.uk> wrote:
Also things like specifying an :application pane type in the :panes of an application frame, passing ':scroll-bars t' but not having the pane
<grumble> Can you find where in the spec this is required? I think this keyword is fictional, and I'm astonished at the number of people trying to use it. Maybe it is a vendor extension, but it doesn't make any sense to me. Scrolling is acheived by embedding the pane in another pane which provides scroll bars and a viewport. If I expect :scroll-bars t to work as expected, make-pane would have to return the scroller pane rather than the the pane I asked it to create (which makes no sense at all), or there would have to be some magic backdoor whereby adopting my pane caused a chain of parents to be adopted in its place. I don't much like that either (if I was modifying the UI dynamically, with a bunch of gadgets in a container, I'd no longer know which one to disown when its time came without walking the entire tree of children). I have heard this complaint so often now that it is tempting to add a check which will yell at programmers who expect this to work. </grumble>