rpgoldman@real-time.com writes:
The examples I have seen of display functions and McCLIM, it seems like there are two dominant models: one where the user does some commands, and the application pane's display function stays in synch by updating at every command loop (I suppose this is the MVC model);
Section 7 "CLIM: Presentation Based Interfaces" (page 31) of this paper: New Architectural Models for Visibly Controllable Computing: The Relevance of Dynamic Object Oriented Architectures and Plan Based Computing Models ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/ai-publications/2004/AIM-2004-005.pdf briefly describes the relations between CLIM and MVC.
Question: what about the case where you want to watch something "out there" that is not under the control of the command loop. I'm thinking in particular about controls applications, where you might want to update a display that shows the current state of the plant.
If I understand correctly, in this case you may call REDISPLAY-FRAME-PANE, typically from an application command or some state updating function. A program that uses this approach is: KYTRON on the Moon http://artm-friends.at/rm/kytron/kytron-clim.html Check the CLIM 2 version: http://artm-friends.at/rm/kytron/kytron2.lisp.txt See for example the commands for adding a new element--crater, mountain, ecc.--to the environment. Paolo -- Why Lisp? http://alu.cliki.net/RtL%20Highlight%20Film