Hi, I need EPS output (as opposed to postscript destined for some paper size). I think the attached patch implements this, by using output recording to measure the bounding box of the output. (Though I can imagine that I've got the linesize stuff wrong and am out by 0.5 or something). I'm not happy with the way that I'm handling the transformation (in particular, the hack in obtaining the bounding box, where I've used knowledge of the transformation to reorder the coordinates), nor am I happy with the fact that this breaks in the presence of (newpage) commands, though since that doesn't make sense for EPS output, that might not be so big a deal. I think this works (unlike my previous attempt, which I was equally convinced worked, but failed to draw anything at all). I attach in addition a couple of test forms to try at the REPL, and also a file which could live as Tests/postscript.lisp. (McCLIM with this patch applied passes the tests, though they're by no means exhaustive). Comments? Is anyone else using Postscript output? Cheers, Christophe