Hi, Does anyone understand drag and drop? I've got two problems with it, the first of which is (I think) fixed by the attached patch. The first problem is that dragging across a presentation that doesn't have a drag-and-drop translator with it as its to-type causes the system to complain that CLIMI::FEEDBACK has no applicable methods with argument NIL. The resolution is not to try to give presentation-specific feedback if no matching drag-and-drop translator for that presentation to-type exists. The second problem is that dragging across multiple panes doesn't work. If all the panes have scrollbars, then the system complains that there's no applicable method for INVOKE-WITH-SHEET-MEDIUM-BOUND with the sheet being a VIEWPORT-PANE -- presumably the viewport-pane doesn't have an associated medium? If the panes don't have scrollbars, then I get a little bit further, losing in INVOKE-WITH-OUTPUT-RECORDING-OPTIONS on a VRACK-PANE. Does anyone have any bright ideas on dealing with the latter, or comments on my patch for the former? Best, Christophe