Hello On Sun, Dec 25, 2005 at 10:57:09AM -0500, Paul Werkowski wrote:
I think I have it!
Change the initialize-instance :after method on gadget-output-record to just doing
(setf (gadget record) child)
and move the rest of the stuff in there to just after the call to stream-add-output-record in with-output-as-gadget.
Seems to work for the cases I have tried. Maybe it will work for Max as well?
Yes, it's really better. Some of my tests and also Xophe's gadget-test work now. But there is still a SIMPLE-ERROR "There is no applicable method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION SHEET-NATIVE-TRANSFORMATION (6)> when called with arguments (NIL)." for my example that has a WITH-OUTPUT-AS-GADGET inside an ACCEPTING-VALUES.. Btw. I've attached a patch for my interpretation of the description you've given for your changes.. There is a problem with the space requirement: I do my tests inside the CLIM-Listener and the scrollbar gets larger than needed, or better there is always some white space after the output-gadget (while its size seems to be related to the size of the actual gadget). (But I've just realized that I have a version of mcclim that is previous to Gilbert's recent work on the scrollbars. (Shame on me.)) And if I call a test in a freshly started Listener the output-gadget will always displayed in the top left corner of the Listener's application pane. Only if the first screen is "full" (that is the scrollbar gets actually useful) it will be displayed *after* the prompt (while it does not scroll past the gadget). Even a second or third output-gadget will be displayed in the top left corner on top of the previous gadgets, if the application pane does not yet scroll. I hope these confused descriptions are not too hard to understand. Thank you, Max -- Max-Gerd Retzlaff <m.retzlaff@gmx.net> For your amusement: Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks.