Hello everybody, I am investigating the possibility of crowd-funding some work on McCLIM. The idea is to pay Daniel Kochmański to work on it around 10 hours per week for the foreseeable future. I can pitch in some of the cost for this myself, and I will probably pitch in all of it if nobody is interested in contributing. But the money I pitch in comes from my personal budget so it would be preferable to get some help. If some people would be willing to contribute around 50€ per month, it would not take many contributors to have a near-permanent effort. Smaller contributions would of course also be welcome. The work would initially consist of cleaning up the code as is already happening. Future work would consist of improving performance, adding new backends, creating a set of gadgets with a consistent look, fixing the current problems with mirrored sheets, improving the documentation, etc. But not necessarily in that order. If you are one of the people who would be interested in contributing, please send me an email with an approximate amount that you would be willing to contribute. I don't need a firm pledge. For now, I am just investigating whether this is a realistic idea or not. -- Robert Strandh