Oops.. accidently sent this to rpgoldman only :-| Just tried on SBCL with recent McCLIM and :timeout 0 works fine >0 values still seem to be blocking forever. Looks like clim-internals:stream-input-wait keeps continuously calling clim-internals:event-queue-listen-or-wait with wrong TIMEOUT. Or maybe not, it's all (still) bit over my head The :timeout 0 => NIL still seems to a problem on CMUCL, but that's on a few months old version of McCLIM, so maybe it's fixed and irrelevant by now anyway. I really should update my CMUCL stuff on that laptop... I'm trying to figure out how to do some simple animation, like a clock or process browser that should keep on updating every few seconds. So I thought the way to go would be specializing the READ-COMMAND or READ-FRAME-COMMAND and use the :timeout where approriate. I also thought about using different thread for the pane updating, but I'm not sure if that would be a smart thing to do. So I'm wondering if there's a canonical way to accomplish something like that, some sources perhaps? BTW, big thanks to all McCLIM developers, fascinating stuff :-)