Hi List, Am Sonntag, den 05. August 2018 um 23:55:54 Uhr (+0530) schrieb Nisar Ahmad:
Since gestures on McCLIM are currently broken, You can implement multiple-select (mentioned in your parent mail) as text-selection is implemented/
unfortunately my pane is an application-frame with incremental updating-output and that would require renaming/duplicating quite a lot of class and method definitions in my application. Just redefining standard-output-class without the cut-and-paste-mixin works, but seems a little hackish. I proposed to use an init-argument :cut-and-paste-mixin which defaults to t as this seems to me the least invasive form to establish a sensitive way to be able to handle shift-click events in your own application-panes. I'd be willing to provide the code and opened an issue on github, although this, too is admittedly not a real solution, but rather a workaround. -- Orm