On Thursday, May 19, 2005, at 10:57 pm, Robert P. Goldman wrote:
I have been finding that my application-panes look to be off in width by the width of their scroll-bars. When I look at the COMPOSE-SPACE definitions (these are a little overwhelming for a novice like me) it looks like the effective method for compose-space for an application-pane is this one:
(defmethod compose-space ((pane clim-stream-pane) &key width height) (let ((w (bounding-rectangle-width (stream-output-history pane))) (h (bounding-rectangle-height (stream-output-history pane)))) (make-space-requirement :width w :min-width w :max-width +fill+ :height h :min-height h :max-height +fill+)))
This one doesn't have the potential for adding the width of scrollbars. Does this look like the right fix?
(defmethod compose-space :around ((pane clim-stream-pane) &key width height) (let ((inner-width (call-next-method))) (with-slots (scroll-bars) pane (cond ((null scroll-bars) inner-width) ((eq scroll-bars :vertical) (space-requirement+ inner-width (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'vscrollbar)))) ((eq scroll-bars :horizontal) (space-requirement+ inner-width (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'hscrollbar)))) (t (space-requirement+ inner-width (space-requirement+ (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'vscrollbar)) (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'hscrollbar)))))))))
I don't think stream panes should know anything about scroll bars; these belong to the scroller pane rather than the stream pane I think (i.e. the stream pane doesn't want to ask for more space to account for scroll bars, rather the scroller pane should add space for bars to the space requirement of the stream pane on its behalf). That said I tend to find my ideas of what's what are often incorrect ;-) -Duncan
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