Strangely enough the vendor CLIMs call these keywords :some-of and :one-of, despite what the spec says. My intent was to support both, not sure why this isnt't working.. On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 16:40:54 -0800, David Christiansen <chri0665@uidaho.edu> wrote:
Hello all, I'm new to the list. I've been writing a little Connect 4 clone with McClim and I think I found a place where the implementation diverges from the standard. I'm using the Mothering Sunday release. When I try to (make-pane 'option-pane :value "foo" :mode :exclusive :items '("foo" "bar")), I get an error saying that :exclusive is not a member of type (or :some-of :one-of). It looks to me as though the spec says that those options should be called :exclusive or :nonexclusive, though :one-of and :some-of seem to work just fine to me.
The relevant section of the spec (chapter 30) can be seen at: http://www.mikemac.com/mikemac/clim/gadgets.html
Am I reading it correctly? If so, I'll try to grab a recent CVS and work up a patch later this week (though, being a newbie, I'd want someone to see it). It seems localized enough that I should be able to figure it out.
Thank you all for this handy library!