On 12/27/10 Dec 27 -8:59 AM, James Ashley wrote:
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 5:44 AM, <rm@tuxteam.de> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 11:36:24AM +0100, Frank G?nninger wrote:
Hi all: Using Quicklisp I loaded the required packages:
Why do you perform such a selective load? So far I had better luck just doing a:
(ql:quickload "mcclim")
;;; OK, so far. Now let's define CLX as the backend...
? (setq clim:*default-server-path* '(:clx))
Without (ql:quickload "clim-clx") this won't work. CLX by itself only provides the API to communicate with a X server, the X backend is defined inclim-cxl.
So is this a bug in the ASD (not specifying some required package), a limitation of ASDF (can't specify that package x depends on variable y), or just a matter of understanding the tools (load the package you want, don't mess around with the dependencies)?
Where's the best place to document this so it doesn't bite someone else in the future?
(cliki seems like the most obvious to me, but what do I know?)
It's rarely done, but it is possible to pass initargs to ASDF load system. So, with a recent asdf (which doesn't require use of OOS), you could do something like (asdf:load-system :mcclim :backend :clx) ...if the mcclim maintainers would like to support that, probably using an :around method on asdf:operate. One could even support either defaulting or forcing the user to specify a backend. The latter might help this periodic confusion of novices. Best, r