There has been some discussion going on on the Axiom list about graphics, and Tim Daly made the following interesting remark: "I've looked at McClim which is a path I'd dearly love to take but so far I've not gotten it to work. If someone could reproduce the first page of the browser (a few buttons, an image) in McClim that might be enough to get me over the hurdle. A pure lisp solution is preferred." How difficult would this be to create (assume current McCLIM skills = <very small quantity>) ? I would like to take a stab at this (or if somebody with actual skill does that would be even better) because if Axiom impliments a GUI in McCLIM it would (IMHO) do a world of good for both Axiom and McCLIM. I have gotten McCLIM to work before (though not on GCL) and if it's not insanely difficult I'd like to take a shot at it. CY __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com