Hello again! FIX
It's a pretty easy fix of just turning a single root into a list and then calling format-graph-from-roots,
What is the most elegant lispe method for this? Could one make it a macro? Examples? Or would it be better to fix it in the CLIM as a patch? ERROR! Well it sure would help a novice like me with an error! Saves a lot of head scratching... EXAMPLES It's hard to know what is OK to do and what is not OK. Since I am planning to do a lot of tree graphs I expect I will find out what is doable and what is not... When I am done exploring I could make a new tree-test.cl and perhaps it could go into /Examples? Who would I send that too? Things I would like to do are: - Color coded trees - Scaling (resize of window event re-scales trees) - Hardcopy (to postscript) And more... FUN I am pretty new to both LISP and CLIM but am having a lot of fun with it despite the odd frustration here and there. I am using it for some NLP research what is everyone else doing out there with clim? Thanks, /Peter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter A. Braroe VD, NewsMachine Blekingegatan 44 S-116 62 Stockholm Office: +46-(0)8-442 03 31 Mobile: +46-(0)708-750 991 -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: rpgoldman@real-time.com [mailto:rpgoldman@real-time.com] Skickat: den 7 februari 2006 15:14 Till: peter.braroe@newsmachine.com Kopia: mcclim developers' list Ämne: [mcclim-devel] Problems getting "format-graph-from-roots" to work...
"PB" == Peter Braroe <peter.braroe@newsmachine.com> writes:
PB> Hello all! PB> I have gotten slightly further in my ambition to make a clim program to PB> draw tree diagrams. After looking at various examples I have put PB> together a little program that gives the error below. PB> No matching method for the generic function PB> #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CLIM:LAYOUT-GRAPH-NODES (1) {58CD5C11}>, PB> when PB> called with arguments PB> (#<CLIM-INTERNALS::DIGRAPH-GRAPH-OUTPUT-RECORD X 0.0d0:0.0d0 Y PB> 0.0d0:0.0d0 PB> {59D5278D}> PB> #<CLIM:APPLICATION-PANE TREE-TEST::SCREEN {59BF5855}> NIL NIL). PB> [Condition of type PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR] The problem arises because DIGRAPH layout has not been implemented in McCLIM. Tree layout is all that has been done. Until such a time as this has been fixed, we should probably change format-graph-from-roots to toss an error if it is called with an unsupported layout method. I see from your example code that you're trying to draw a tree. Give tree as layout method and I believe you'll be ok. [...snip...] PB> Also my clim package 0.9.1 does not seem to have PB> "format-graph-from-root" (singular) only the "format-graph-from-roots" PB> is this because the one root only version is not implemented? Does PB> anyone know? Hm. I know that I reported this earlier. I guess we never got around to fixing it. It's a pretty easy fix of just turning a single root into a list and then calling format-graph-from-roots, IIRC. R