Would love to see this progress...
I made some small fixes to a fork of mmontone's mcclim a while ago (hmm... looks like I never successfully pushed the changes back to
github). There was a cyclic dependency in the defsystem. I also made some progress resurrecting scigraph.
Also rehabbed a CLIM tree-widget, and made some changes to the clim-debugger to make it quicklisp/asdf-loadable ...
Presume I should at least push the changes and generate a pull request? Please advise as I am neck-deep in the app which uses the fork...
p.s., made some CLIM-based apps which use graph-drawing to provide a GUI to quicklisp (a la yumex), showing ASDF dependencies; and another which used the tree-widget to navigate the filesystem (a la the Genera filesystem explorer). Not sure anybody cares, but would be happy to clean them up and maintain them as apps in a re-energized CLIM desktop. they are not pretty - just enough to enable the app I'm writing...