hmm, can't make it work with the mouse wheel. This works: (define-gesture-name :up :pointer-button-press :middle) This doesn't work: (define-gesture-name :up :pointer-button-press :wheel-up) I also tried ":pointer-button" in place of "pointer-button-press". Is there any way to find out, whether sbcl/mcclim is getting the event at all and what it gets translated into? The mouse wheel works in other applications. -- Orm Am Tuesday, den 21. December 2010 um 22:56:10 Uhr (+0100) schrieb rm@tuxteam.de:
.... (let ((real-device-name (case device-name (:left +pointer-left-button+) (:middle +pointer-middle-button+) (:right +pointer-right-button+) (:wheel-up +pointer-wheel-up+) (:wheel-down +pointer-wheel-down+) (t (error "~S is not a known button" device-name)))))