Hi; The McCLIM app I am writing has both a pan/zoom application pane and an interactor pane. I am trying to track down why the top-level frame gets resized (radically - too big to fit the X11 screen) when things get drawn onto the canvas. Immediately upon tracing clim:layout-frame, I was surprised to see it (unexpectedly, to me) getting called as each letter it typed into the interactor pane - before I actually start drawing anything (much) onto the canvas/application pane. I am guessing that my output-record-producing drawing similarly triggers the layout protocol again... Is this expected behavior? I was hoping/expecting that the frame layout was computed a "final" time, and then I could draw onto one of its panes with impunity, counting on visible region clipping. If it is not expected behavior, I would be happy to try and track it down. If it is expected behavior, is there some way to prevent it? It is indeed strange for the application to "spontaneously" and dramatically change its size/realization on the screen. Thanks! -jm