Hello On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:10:21PM -0400, Paul Werkowski wrote:
I don't know what the tab-layout-pane is, not part of CLIM AFAIK, but it is most likely not.
You're right. I've written it, and it's based on my radio-layout-pane that again bases on the stack-layout-pane that's originally been written by Gilbert Baumann (see http://bauhh.dyndns.org:8000/flux/stack-layout.lisp). All the necessary files---including asdf-files and examples---can be found in this archive: http://matroid.org/flux/tab-layout_2005-09-19_17-19+0200.tar.bz2 (Or extracted at http://matroid.org/flux/tab-layout_2005-09-19_17-19+0200/ ) I hope to be soon able to merge antifuchs' drag and drop translator, and finally add it to the mcclim repository as an Extension (probably after some additional changes). The whole things looks like this: http://matroid.org/flux/tabbed-radio-pane-presentation.png Or used by Beirc (probably not the most recent version of Beirc): http://common-lisp.net/project/beirc/images/beirc.png Hmm, it seems that I haven't mentioned it on this list before. I've thought I had.. Bye, Max -- Max-Gerd Retzlaff <m.retzlaff@gmx.net> http://blog.matroid.org For your amusement: When I woke up this morning, my girlfriend asked if I had slept well. I said, "No, I made a few mistakes." -- Steven Wright