rpgoldman@real-time.com writes:
is this problem a manifestation of some issues with programming (Mc)CLIM?
CLIM does require a lot of study. I frequently browse and re-read the printed copy of the CLIM manual I keep on my shelves. I also print and study all the CLIM code I can get my hands on (a rich source--no pun intended--of aha! moments). In the case of the particular problem you mentioned, I immediately recognized a :single-box issue, but didn't exactly remember the argument name and the details. After telling you about ksnapshot, it took me a few minutes to check the manual and find the relevant information.
My impression is that there are two challenges to programming with McCLIM: [...] 2. There seems to be an awful lot of black art to getting a CLIM UI to look right and behave in ways that users will perceive as normal.
Can you provide a few examples?
more easily for new CLIM programmers? I'm still fumbling around myself, so I find it hard to say what would make things easier, since I might just be doing things wrong.
Keep asking questions. I personally try to answer all the CLIM questions posted here and in other Lisp forums--well, I am not always successful :) Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log