I played briefly with McCLIM (in CMUCL on linux) over the holidays, and now I have a list of niggles and whines. These are meant as constructive minor first-impressions criticisms, I realise fully things are still being actively developed! - McCLIM is generally quite cool. I don't want to clutter the bug list page with them as several are vague and not necessarily bugs, but because I start work again tomorrow and probably won't have time to follow any up until next xmas or something, here follows brain dump for others to pick up on, or not: 1. Listener (shows symptoms anyway, problem may lie deeper): Super-key handling is broken? super key presses are detected, but any mouse movement or button press first seems to cancel the super key, thus making it impossible to use e.g. s-L Xev shows X isn't at fault (I think) - can anyone confirm? 2. Listener: Tab key Completion. Completes after tab when you enter two or more characters, but puts in some sort of a "[]" nonprinting-character sign after one? Similarly, space-key completion doesn't after one character, only completes after two? Presumably this behaviour is a bug rather than a feature. 3. Listener: Completion - showing possibilities? like bash, or just by dropping down a keyboard-navigable variant of the right click menu? 4. Listener: deletion on the command line. Probably a feature that's coming just not implemented. Once the listener displays the e.g. "Show Class Subclasses (class)" , you can't "go back" with the backspace key anymore - it just outputs "(class)" again. 5. Listener: ability to "press enter" with the mouse? Huh? you say - well, it's like this - the last thing I select for a one-arg command is often something I click with the mouse (or in my case stylus, actually...). - maybe the current command line should be clickable to perform the action if it becomes valid, like previous command lines are once they're done once. While this might be computationally somewhat expensive, people have absurdly fast computers these days. 6. (whine) Text Selection. Yes, I realise it's a brand-new feature. But wouldn't it be nicer to use click v.s. drag discrimination rather than the unusual shift-key? i.e. if the mouse moves more than 10 pixels over the text while the LMB is down, assume it's a highlight action rather than a click action? (Of course, there's also drag-drop to worry about). 7. (wishlist note) Accessibility or at least keyboard gadget navigation... 8. (whine/opinion) Dialogs. "exit" and "abort" to me don't seem strongly differentiated enough - exit really doesn't say to me "exit and use these values". Yes, they're in the spec as the defaults (which is probably enough to decide it, I guess...), but e.g. "Accept" (or "Okay" or "Use") / "Cancel" would be so much more in-line with modern usage. 9. Look-and-feel: Antialiased fonts on linux by default. Yes, XRENDER etc. lowlevel support belongs in clx distribution, not McCLIM - but if it is available, McCLIM should really default to it at this stage on linux, IMHO. Again, this is probably planned, but hey.