So, is it working when you use the quicklisp one? On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 6:47 PM David Dmytryk <ddmytryk@icloud.com> wrote:
Thanks for responding Stas
Yes - it is
On Apr 7, 2019, at 11:45 AM, Stas Boukarev <stassats@gmail.com> wrote:
Is your cl-ppcre not coming from quicklisp?
On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 6:23 PM David Dmytryk <ddmytryk@icloud.com> wrote:
Wondering if anybody could help with solution or advice on installing McCLIM on macOS Mojave, running CCL under Emacs / Slime (Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.12-dev (v1.12-dev.4-6-gc3b1e184) DarwinX8664).
I tried to install using Quicklisp and received error response as below.
I am new to lisp, and heavily in learning-mode - would appreciate any help.
Kind Regards
David Dmytryk
CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'mcclim) To load "mcclim": Load 1 ASDF system: mcclim ; Loading "mcclim" Invoking restart: Ignore attempt to IMPORT "*STANDARD-OPTIMIZE-SETTINGS*" from package "CL-PPCRE" . Read error between positions 7396 and 7665 in /Users/daviddmytryk/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-unicode-20180328-git/util.lisp. Invoking restart: Retry getting the value of CL-UNICODE::*STANDARD-OPTIMIZE-SETTINGS*. Read error between positions 7396 and 7665 in /Users/daviddmytryk/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-unicode-20180328-git/util.lisp.; Evaluation aborted on #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE #x302003F8238D>.