Then I encountered a similar problem with (setf bounding-rectangle-min-x) and
Type-error in KERNEL::OBJECT-NOT-TYPE-ERROR-HANDLER: 10 is not of type (MOD
I replaced calls of the form (setf (bounding-rectangle-min-x .x.) le) with ones of the form (setf (aref coords 0) le) where coords is bound to (slot-value .x. 'coordinates). This works with McCLIM only (while it should for :clim-2). 10) I found a declaration (declare (type (integer 0 9) c1 c2)) in %clip-line; it should be (declare (type (integer 0 10) c1 c2)) because the possible values of c1 and c2 are 0, 2, 8 and 10. BTW, in dwin/package.lisp, I had to replace (:use clim-lisp) with (:use :clim-lisp). Alex __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Personals - Better first dates. More second dates. http://personals.yahoo.com