On Apr 28, 2005, at 8:26 PM, Craig Lanning wrote:
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 10:53 -0700, C Y wrote:
I think what it comes down to is there simply is no beginner level guide written (or even tutorial that I can find) which says "here's how to create an application." Because, at root level, that's what new developers are asking - I have an interface in my head, how do build it and I get it to run?
This will go a long way in getting people to switch.
I've already started working on just such a guide. My current working document (mostly notes and an outline) is in OpenOffice.org format. If there is interest in adding the document to McCLIM I'd be happy to convert it to another format.
Also, a chapter of my dissertation is "A First Application in CLIM" and will be part of the McCLIM documentation. It will be finished "soon," like in a couple of weeks. Tim