Generally, I think your idea is very cool. A standardized way to start applications (apart from `run-frame-toplevel') would be highly useful. I do, however, have a request: Max-Gerd Retzlaff <m.retzlaff@gmx.net> writes:
Clim Launcher
Together with the Launcher by Dwight Holman there is an additional benefit: The macro can announce the created starter to it. So that if you use it to define the function that fires up your GUI it will automatically displayed in the Clim Launcher.
This functionality should not be wired to a specific launcher program. Instead, McCLIM should maintain an *application-entry-points* alist that maps application names to functions. Thereby, any CLIM-application will be able to retrieve a list of the programs available. This would also open for the possibility of creating alternative launcher programs. -- \ Troels "Athas" Henriksen /\ sigkill.dk/blog (Danish)