28 Apr
28 Apr
7:06 p.m.
I think that magic IS required, but it goes on behind the users back. :) On 4/28/05, Duncan Rose <duncan@robotcat.demon.co.uk> wrote:
I think the consensus is that all CLIM 'windows' (i.e. panes that are in fact clim-stream-pane types) DO (or at least, should) accept the :scroll-bars keyword in 'define-application-frame' and will default this to some sensible value (dependent of pane type) if not provided.
This *should* mean that no magic is required; just use an :interactor or :application (or :command-menu, :title, or :pointer-documentation) pane and scrolling should 'just happen' (well - some of these types have a default :scroll-bars of nil and so won't scroll out of the box).