"Jack Unrue" <jdunrue@gmail.com> writes:
MAKE-PATHNAME: illegal :NAME argument "Goatee/presentation-history" [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
MAKE-PATHNAME: illegal :NAME argument "Looks/pixie" [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
I thought these bugs had been fixed in the most recent ASDF? Perhaps CLISP is shipping an older version?
Goatee/goatee-command.lisp fails to compile specifically on CLISP / Win32 because #\Delete is not defined (but it is for CLISP on Unix). The same character value can be obtained with #\Rubout. More info here:
Would adding something like "#+win32 #\Rubout #-win32 #\Delete" work? I'm not very familiar with Windows-Lisps.
I suppose the next problem is better reported on the flexichain mailing list, but while I've got your attention...flexichain/utilities.lisp has an EVAL-WHEN form that uses :evaluate which is not supported on CLISP:
This bug existed for quite a while, but it has actually been fixed in Flexichain CVS. I think Flexichain should make a "proper" release soon - after all, it's stable and does what it's supposed to do. McCLIM should not rely on unreleased components.
The reason why I'm bothering you all with these issues, rather than just using SBCL...
McCLIM is supposed to be portable, so reporting these issues here is alright. And it's not like mcclim-devel is overcrowded with activity anyway. -- \ Troels "Athas" /\ Henriksen