Greetings, Attached is a patch, accepting-values-gadgets-1, that makes accepting-values capable of working of with gadget based views. The (probably) uncontroversal part is exporting the CLIM 2.2 (from the Franz user guide) gadget views and the related constants. I added view-gadget-initargs support to gadget-view so gadgets can be created properly. The code merely stashes all the provided initargs into a slot and does no sanity checking. Should this somehow verify that the initargs are valid for the related gadget class? If so, what would be the cleanest way? I also caught the lack of a +check-box-view+ and added it. To the frame-manager protocol class I added the CLIM 2.2 frame-manager-dialog-view method which (for now) defaults to a textual rather than gadget based view. I noticed the XXX comment attached so I am unsure if this is an OK place to add it. accepting-values-stream now returns the frame manager dialog view as its stream-default-view. The Franz user guide says that this ought to be setfable; to which class should I add the slot and accessor? To accepting-values itself I moved the final cleanup of the input editor records into a generic, finally-finalize-query-record, so that accept-present-default methods that don't contain a text editing field can actually work. There are a few quick hackish methods for accepting from a text-field-view/gadget-dialog-view (the assumption being that they contain an input editing record so just calling them with +textual-dialog-view+ will work). I also reworked the accept-present-default for text-field-view to always call the textual-dialog-view method even if the width is not set. Also attached is avg.lisp which is a work in progress I'd like someone a bit more knowledgeable about CLIM to look at which implements gadget based accepting-values methods as per the Franz user guide. This is loosely based upon the public domain code found in [1]. If it looks ok I can split it up into the appropriate files in McCLIM and submit a patch. It seems to work well enough, but I am unsure if I have implemented things well. The most suspect bit is line 225 where I set the cache-test of the updating-output-record to return t always. I was having problems with a new gadget being created every time the value changed. gui.lisp contains a small test frame for testing whether the gadgets actually work. [1] http://osdir.com/ml/lisp.mcclim.devel/2006-04/msg00069.html -- Jessie: but today i was a nerd Jessie: i even read slashdot.