Hello from Greg Bennett running sbcl-1.5.8 inside emacs, and using mcclim-20181227-git.

TASK: I am trying, unsuccessfully at the moment, to use accepting values, in an
environment which I need to define,  to receive something and then make it available for subsequent action.

I assume that this must be possible so that applications can receive such input.

In mccli ...-git/Examples/accepting-values.lisp I found the defun for accepting-tag which seemed a perfect model.
It runs, of course, inside the :clim-demo package as part of the huge menu of (demodemo).

It will not run outside that environment, and as Daniel Kochmanski kindly explained to me, the reason centres on
the nature of the stream *query-io*. As Daniel suggested, things run correctly (outside) if I fire up a clim-listener
and use that as my interface to the code. (My other negotiations with clim-listener have been less successful.)

For the project I am working on porting I should like to be able accomplish TASK. I have read pieces of the
CLIM 2 User Guide (version 2.2.2) in the hope of finding some information that would help,
but my aging brain locks up in the face of its long sequence of definitions and code snippets.

However, on p196-7 Section 9.5.1 of that manual there is an example (good!) which looks like a version of accepting-tag; it's code is attached as p196.lsp. When I try to execute it, I immediately run into what I take to be related to the *query-io* difficulty with the error:

There is no class named COMMON-LISP:NIL.
   [Condition of type SB-PCL:CLASS-NOT-FOUND-ERROR]

Some top pieces of the backtrace are attached in p196-log.lsp in case they are helpful.

I should be very grateful for pointers to things I have evidently missed and/or failed to understand in my attempts
to collect input on the fly.

Cheers /Greg Bennett