;;; This is p196-log.lsp ;;; with some bits from trying to run the code on p196.lsp ;;; Greg Bennett is running sbcl-1.5.8 in emacs using mcclim-20191227-git ;;; after loading p196.lsp .. ;;; When I type (run-dingus (find-port)) the immediate result is: There is no class named COMMON-LISP:NIL. [Condition of type SB-PCL:CLASS-NOT-FOUND-ERROR] ;;; In the backtrace, I find 1: ((:METHOD MAKE-INSTANCE (SYMBOL)) NIL :FRAME # :MANAGER # :PORT # :INP.. Locals: CLASS = NIL SB-DEBUG::MORE = (:FRAME # :MANAGER # :PORT # ...) ;;; where the CLASS = NIL is what I presume to be the cause of the ERROR ;;; Immediately before this in the backtrace I find SB-DEBUG::MORE = (:FRAME # :MANAGER # :PORT # ...) 2: ((FLET CALL-NEXT-METHOD :IN "/home/gwbennett/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/mcclim-20191227-git/Core/clim-core/frames.lisp") # # ACCE.. Locals: SB-DEBUG::MORE = (# # ACCEPT-VALUES :INPUT-BUFFER # :NAME ...)