Springtail 0.0 released ======================= This is the first release of my McCLIM based Common Lisp digital photo collection manager. A simple McCLIM off-line Wikipedia client and a very simple CLX based digital clock able to crash SBCL are also included. Please note this is a tentative release. While I use Springtail regularly and it works quite well for me, it is highly personalized and I don't think it can be used by anyone else out of the box, if at all, in its current state. So why am I releasing it? - I'd like to provide an example of actual use of the McCLIM's image extensions. - I'd like to contribute another example code of a non-trivial McCLIM application, to support McCLIM use and further development. - Well, when it has been already written: Maybe someone else could find a McCLIM based digital photo manager useful. I'm not sure, so I ask about it this way. You can download Springtail 0.0 from http://www.zamazal.org/software/springtail/download/springtail-0.0.tar.gz