| | > Question: what about the case where you want to watch something "out | > there" that is not under the control of the command loop. I'm | > thinking in particular about controls applications, where you might | > want to update a display that shows the current state of the plant. | | If I understand correctly, in this case you may call | REDISPLAY-FRAME-PANE, typically from an application command or some | state updating function. A program that uses this approach is: I do this sort of thing quite a bit and it took some experimentation to get it to work right. At least part of the trick (in LWW CLIM at least) is to do (setf (pane-needs-redisplay pane) t) prior to redisplay-frame-pane. But, to do this, you can't have :display-time :command-loop active. You probably also want to manually manage the output-recording options to avoid a surprise when pane may be re-exposed at a later time. Like this: (setf (pane-needs-redisplay pane) t) (with-output-recording-options (pane :record t) (redisplay-frame-pane frame pane)) Paul