On 17 Dec 2007, at 4:41, Rudi Schlatte wrote:
On 12.12.2007, at 07:05, Greg Pfeil wrote:
This is the first in hopefully a series of patches to get beagle working again.
These changes take beagle from not loading, all the way to being able to perform a couple clicks before a lockFocus assertion fails.
Could you write a short "loading Beagle for dummies" mail? I have the clozure CL snapshot from Dec 03 running here and can load mcclim, but when trying (load "Backends/beagle/beagle-backend.asd") I get
Error: Cannot IMPORT "KEYBOARD-INPUT-FOCUS" from package "CLIMI"
(This is with both your patches applied.)
Ah, yes, I made another change locally that I hadn't submitted. I probably should have, but I wasn't 100% certain that it was the right thing and I had other not-ready-to-submit changes in that file (oh, how I miss darcs' hunks). I removed the DEFPACKAGE form from beagle- backend.asd. Here's a patch with that change. Hopefully that's the only other thing you need to get beagle to load.