It seems as if there are some problems with ASDF module specification for scigraph in current versions of McCLIM CVS. When I try to build as per the instructions (using cmucl), the build stalls after loading the module specs and it does not matter whether I load system.lisp or mcclim.asd. A stacktrace is show below. Outcommenting the definition of the scigraph system removes the problem and McCLIM builds and runs without problems. It would thus appear that the scigraph system triggers an infinite loop somewhere in ASDF. The problem appears with todays CVS and the version labelled as McCLIM-0-9-1; it appears that the version McCLIM-0-9 only works with mkdefsystem enabled lisps. I am running on a Debian system with the following versions: ii common-lisp-controller 4.14 ii cmucl 19a-release-20040728-11 ii cl-asdf 1.86-4 0] backtrace 0: (ASDF::PARSE-COMPONENT-FORM NIL (:MODULE "scigraph" :PATHNAME #p"/net/daphne/usr/local/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/mcclim/" :DEPENDS-ON ...)) 1: (ASDF::PARSE-COMPONENT-FORM 2 NIL (:MODULE "scigraph" :PATHNAME #p"/net/daphne/usr/local/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/mcclim/" :DEPENDS-ON ...))[:EXTERNAL] 2: (LISP::SLOLOAD #<Stream for file "/net/daphne/usr/local/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/mcclim/mcclim.asd">) 3: (LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #p"mcclim.asd" #p"/net/daphne/usr/local/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/mcclim/mcclim.asd" :ERROR :SOURCE) 4: (LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #p"mcclim.asd" #p"/net/daphne/usr/local/home/tedchly/Tools/ANON-CVS/mcclim/mcclim.asd" :ERROR NIL) 5: (LOAD "mcclim.asd" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT ...) 6: (EXTENSIONS:INTERACTIVE-EVAL (LOAD "mcclim.asd")) 7: (LISP::%TOP-LEVEL) 8: ((LABELS LISP::RESTART-LISP EXTENSIONS:SAVE-LISP)) ------------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Christian Lynbech | christian #\@ defun #\. dk ------------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual. - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)