Hi, Wouldn't it be cool if, when we presented list data as an expression, the contents were individually presented? Well, consider the code at the end of this mail; it achieves this, but at a price: we no longer respect *print-level*, *print-length* and friends; we don't honour *pprint-dispatch-table* (which might have EQL "methods" on these objects); and there appears not to be a way of finding out what the user would prefer to be the :single-box attribute of the nested presentations. The *print-level*/*print-length* and friends could be worked on with a little bit more code; the *pprint-dispatch-table* issue, however, is rather more fundamental; if it can be handled at all, it would need to be handled on an implementation-level basis (there's no GET-PPRINT-DISPATCH exposed to the user, only SET-PPRINT-DISPATCH). I presume that the :single-box issue we can deal with ourselves by inventing a special variable. Really, what I would like to know is what the requirements for this presentation method are. What do I have to do to honour the ACCEPTABLY keyword? Is managing *print-level* and *print-length* enough (well, presumably there's more work to be done to support *print-array* and so on)? Should we do this for user-defined structures as well, where we can determine that there is no applicable *pprint-dispatch-table* or PRINT-OBJECT method (fortunately, there can be no user PRINT-OBJECT method on conses or vectors). I suppose the inevitable question is: what did the Lisp Machines do...? Answers welcome! Cheers, Christophe (define-presentation-method present (object (type expression) stream (view textual-view) &key acceptably for-context-type) (declare (ignore for-context-type)) (let ((*print-readably* acceptably)) (typecase object (cons (with-output-as-presentation (stream object type :single-box t) (princ #\( stream) (do ((o object (cdr o))) ((null o)) (present (car o) (presentation-type-of (car o)) :stream stream :view view) (cond ((null (cdr o)) (return)) ((listp (cdr o)) (princ #\Space stream)) (t (princ " . " stream) (present (cdr o) (presentation-type-of (cdr o)) :stream stream :view view) (return)))) (princ #\) stream))) (simple-vector (with-output-as-presentation (stream object type :single-box t) (princ "#(" stream) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i (length object))) (present (svref object i) (presentation-type-of (svref object i)) :stream stream :view view) (when (>= i (1- (length object))) (return)) (princ " " stream)) (princ #\) stream))) (t (prin1 object stream)))))