Rudi Schlatte wrote:
On 17.05.2008, at 19:07, Troels Henriksen wrote:
christopher melen <chris_melen@yahoo.com> writes:
2. I have to run it with Apple's X11 - which is not a problem for me, as I use it frequently, but I was wondering if anyone's got it running without it. I had to set the DISPLAY environment variable in my .bash_profile to So I have to run it from the terminal or an xterm, not from Emacs Slime (my preferred set-up).
You can set the environment variable for Emacs (M-x setenv) if you want, but anyway, McCLIM is theoretically able to run under Clozure CL/OpenMCL with the Beagle backend, which uses Cocoa. It's not as complete as the CLX backend, though.
For "not as complete", read "will crash if you look at it funny"; the beagle backend needs lots of tender loving care by someone who knows cocoa. If you want to see it in action anyway, (push :clim-beagle *features*) before loading mcclim, then load clim-examples, call (clim-demo::demodemo) and enjoy the pretty Aqua-ish buttons. You can also get a clim-listener window or start the Climacs editor; just don't expect anything to not crash.
I hear Apples X11 server is odd in some ways, which can affect McCLIM, but I do not know the specifics.
http://paste.lisp.org/display/60199 has a patch that teaches clx/sbcl the appropriate X11-on-Leopard-autostartish magic so you don't need to set DISPLAY. I don't know of any other problems with Apple's X11 server.
Mikel Bancroft has a version of CLX (forked from Xophe's, I believe) with some hacks I came up with to make it play nicely with the autostart magic. Reassuringly, I believe that once I kludged something together that worked, he improved it considerably... I believe you can get this version from darcs get http://opensource.franz.com/clx/ Note, I haven't tested the latest version yet... Robert