Hello, I did a cvs update in the wrong window and got my working mcclim updated without wanting it. I did remove all object files and recompile everything. But none of my clim applications run. So I tried with the clim-demo calculator which fails as well (although with a different error but the error is always related to DREI). Does everybody have this problem or just me? Should I try to go back to an earlier version? Thanks in advance for your help. Irène PS: I am on linux with SBCL 1.0.9 CLIM-DEMO> (calculator) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no applicable method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION DREI-BUFFER:BUFFER (8)> when called with arguments (#<CLIM-INTERNALS::DREI-TEXT-FIELD-SUBSTRATE "(Unnamed Pane)" {AD180A9}>). [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT-REQUEST] Abort handling SLIME request. 1: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread" {CA7BA99}>) Backtrace: 0: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD (T)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION DREI-BUFFER:BUFFER (8)>) 1: ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD GADGET-VALUE (DREI:DREI-GADGET-PANE)) #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::DREI-TEXT-FIELD-SUBSTRATE "(Unnamed Pane)" {AD180A9}>) 2: ((LABELS #:G125) #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-MEDIUM {AD46CF1}>)