Well I'm starting to find my path into CLIM. The application I like to implement is an account keeping application. I implemented it before with LispWorks and CAPI and now I want to make it a clim application. I found out about the different panes but got a bit stuck with how to use one of them the list-pane. It seems that this is the pane I'd like to use to keep a list of short descriptions of the divrese accounts. I first modelled the accounts stuff as the address-book example, but am now deriving. So what I like to know is how to make this part of the address-book example: (defmethod display-names ((frame address-book) stream) (dolist (address *addresses*) ;; PRESENT invokes the :PRINTER for the ADDRESS presentation-type, defined above. ;; It also makes each address printed out mouse-sensitive. (updating-output (stream :unique-id address) (present address 'address :stream stream) (terpri stream)))) work with a list pane. What I want is that that the list-pane entried get mouse-sensitive. I searched the examples but found nothing which gives me a hint. Maybe some of you can? Regards Friedrich