To: mcclim-devel@common-lisp.net Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 13:52:58 +0100 From: Stefan Lang
On Saturday 28 October 2006 16:45, you wrote:
Stefan Lang <langstefan@gmx.at> writes:
2. I expected the get something like "svn export" would give me for an svn repository. Is that expectation wrong and the tarball (intentionally) contains the whole CVS repository?!
You have downloaded a CVS snapshot, I guess it contains the CVS control files on purpose. I believe that the CVS snapshots are autocreated by common-lisp.net, so I doubt we'd be able to do much about it.
IMO, then the sentence "A compressed tar file of the sources is made nightly." on the webpage is misleading and should instead be something like: "Here is a backup of the entire CVS repository."
I'll just checkout via cvs.
The web page is from when I was hosting McCLIM. I was making a nightly tarball of just the sources. I guess the common-lisp.net guys got their shell script wrong. Mike McDonald mikemac@mikemac.com