Hi all, I am planning to split mcclim.asd into several .asd files in mcclim's top level directory, for the clim listener, scigraph, the examples, and clouseau. This will allow the asdf-installs of the next release to automatically link these systems into the asdf:*central-registry*. Why is this a good thing? It allows users to load the clim listener without loading mcclim first; also, it allows applications to (in their asdf systems) :depend-on clouseau or the clim-listener if they need it, and remain asdf-installable - provided that we also create a cliki page for these top level systems (which I intend to do). Why is this a bad thing? If you had a setup of mcclim with symlinks to mcclim.asd like this: ~/.sbcl/systems/clim-listener.asd -> /path/to/mcclim.asd (like, I think, the README recommended once), your setup will break, and you won't be able to load the clim listener anymore. The attached symlink-asd-files.sh is a shell script that should fix this problem, and let users of CVS set up their symlinks just as if they had used asdf-install of a future release. I plan to commit it along with the change. Attached, find the new .asd files. I hope you don't find them too appalling (: Oh, and one more nice thing: This setup would also allow easier installation and setup of gtkairo and Beagle; if nobody objects, I'm going to move gtkairo's asd file into the top level, with another warning to the list. Cheers, -- Andreas Fuchs, (http://|im:asf@|mailto:asf@)boinkor.net, antifuchs #!/bin/sh -e # (Re-)Installs the top-level .asd files into an # asdf:*central-registry* directory. Prompts before overwriting # anything. CENTRAL_REG="$1" if [ -z "$CENTRAL_REG" ] ; then echo "USAGE: $0 central-registry-dir" 2>&1 echo " central-registry-dir is a directory where asdf looks for .asd files." 2>&1 echo " e.g. on SBCL, this could be ~/.sbcl/systems/" 2>&1 exit 1 fi cd "`dirname $0`" for i in *.asd ; do if [ -f "$CENTRAL_REG"/"$i" ]; then echo -en "Warning: overwriting $CENTRAL_REG/$i with link to \n`pwd`/$i (press RET to continue)" 2>&1 read fi ln -sf "`pwd`/$i" "$CENTRAL_REG"/"$i" done ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- ;;; (c) copyright 1998,1999,2000 by Michael McDonald (mikemac@mikemac.com) ;;; (c) copyright 2000 by ;;; Robert Strandh (strandh@labri.u-bordeaux.fr) ;;; (c) copyright 2005 by ;;; Andreas Fuchs (asf@boinkor.net) ;;; ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Library General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ;;; Really, I wouldn't bother with anything but ASDF. Almost every lisp ;;; ships with it, and it has the added benefit of ASDF-INSTALL. ;;; Get ASDF, and be welcome to the 21st century. -- [2005-01-31:asf] (defpackage :mcclim.system (:use :asdf :cl)) (in-package :mcclim.system) (defparameter *clim-directory* (directory-namestring *load-truename*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun find-swank-package () (find-package :swank)) (defun find-swank-system () (handler-case (asdf:find-system :swank) (asdf:missing-component ()))) (defun find-swank () (or (find-swank-package) (find-swank-system))) (defun dep-on-swank () (if (and (find-swank-system) (not (find-package :swank))) '(:and) '(:or))) (defun ifswank () (if (find-swank) '(:and) '(:or)))) ;;; Legacy CMUCL support stuff #+cmu (progn (unless (fboundp 'ext:stream-read-char) (unless (ignore-errors (ext:search-list "gray-streams:")) (setf (ext:search-list "gray-streams:") '("target:pcl/" "library:subsystems/"))) (if (fboundp 'extensions:without-package-locks) (extensions:without-package-locks (load "gray-streams:gray-streams-library")) (load "gray-streams:gray-streams-library"))) #-(or clx gtkairo) (require :clx) #+mp (when (eq mp::*initial-process* mp::*current-process*) (format t "~%~%You need to run (mp::startup-idle-and-top-level-loops) to start up the multiprocessing support.~%~%"))) ;;; Make CLX asdf-loadable on Allegro 6.2 ;;; possibly this should be further refined to funciton properly for ;;; Allegro on Windows platforms. [2005/04/18:rpg] #+allegro (progn (defclass requireable-system (asdf:system) ()) (defmethod asdf:perform ((op asdf:load-op) (system requireable-system)) (require (intern (slot-value system 'asdf::name) :keyword))) (defmethod asdf::traverse ((op asdf:load-op) (system requireable-system)) (list (cons op system))) (defsystem :clx :class requireable-system)) (defmacro clim-defsystem ((module &key depends-on) &rest components) `(progn (asdf:defsystem ,module ,@(and depends-on `(:depends-on ,depends-on)) :serial t :components (,@(loop for c in components for p = (merge-pathnames (parse-namestring c) (make-pathname :type "lisp" :defaults *clim-directory*)) collect `(:file ,(namestring p) :pathname ,p)))))) (defsystem :clim-lisp :components (;; First possible patches (:file "patch") (:module "Lisp-Dep" :depends-on ("patch") :components ((:file #+cmu "fix-cmu" #+scl "fix-scl" #+excl "fix-acl" #+sbcl "fix-sbcl" #+openmcl "fix-openmcl" #+lispworks "fix-lispworks" #+clisp "fix-clisp"))) (:file "package" :depends-on ("Lisp-Dep" "patch")))) (defsystem :clim-basic :depends-on (:clim-lisp :spatial-trees :flexichain) :components ((:file "decls") (:file "protocol-classes" :depends-on ("decls")) (:module "Lisp-Dep" :depends-on ("decls") :components ((:file #.(first (list #+(and :cmu :mp (not :pthread)) "mp-cmu" #+scl "mp-scl" #+sb-thread "mp-sbcl" #+excl "mp-acl" #+openmcl "mp-openmcl" #+lispworks "mp-lw" #| fall back |# "mp-nil"))))) (:file "utils" :depends-on ("decls" "Lisp-Dep")) (:file "design" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "utils")) (:file "X11-colors" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "design")) (:file "coordinates" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep")) (:file "setf-star" :depends-on ("decls" "Lisp-Dep")) (:file "transforms" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "coordinates" "utils")) (:file "regions" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "coordinates" "utils" "transforms" "setf-star" "design")) (:file "sheets" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "utils" "transforms" "regions")) (:file "pixmap" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "sheets" "transforms" "regions")) (:file "events" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "transforms" "sheets" "utils")) (:file "ports" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "events" "sheets" "pixmap" "utils")) (:file "grafts" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "sheets" "ports" "transforms" "regions")) (:file "medium" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "ports" "X11-colors" "utils" "pixmap" "regions" "transforms" "design")) (:file "output" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "medium")) (:file "input" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "events" "regions" "sheets")) (:file "repaint" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "sheets" "events")) (:file "graphics" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "output" "utils" "medium" "sheets" "pixmap" "regions" "design" "transforms")) (:file "views" :depends-on ("utils" "protocol-classes")) (:file "stream-output" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "design" "utils" "X11-colors" "views" "output" "sheets" "regions" "graphics" "medium" "setf-star")) (:file "recording" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "output" "coordinates" "graphics" "design" "medium" "transforms" "regions" "sheets" "utils" "stream-output")) (:file "encapsulate" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "sheets" "graphics" "utils" "medium" "input" "stream-output" "recording")) (:file "stream-input" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "input" "ports" "sheets" "events" "encapsulate" "transforms" "utils")) (:file "text-selection" :depends-on ("decls" "protocol-classes" "Lisp-Dep" "X11-colors" "medium" "output" "transforms" "sheets" "stream-output" "ports" "recording" "regions" "events")) (:file "bezier" :depends-on ("recording")))) (defsystem :goatee-core :depends-on (:clim-basic) :components ((:module "Goatee" :components ((:file "conditions") (:file "dbl-list") (:file "flexivector" :depends-on ("conditions" "dbl-list")) (:file "buffer" :depends-on ("conditions" "flexivector" "dbl-list")) (:file "editable-buffer" :depends-on ("dbl-list" "flexivector" "buffer")) (:file "editable-area" :depends-on ("flexivector" "editable-buffer" "dbl-list" "buffer")) (:file "clim-area" :depends-on ("flexivector" "dbl-list" "buffer" "editable-area" "editable-buffer")) (:file "kill-ring" :depends-on ("editable-buffer" "dbl-list" "flexivector" "buffer")) (:file "goatee-command" :depends-on ("conditions" "clim-area" "dbl-list" "editable-buffer" "kill-ring" "editable-area" "buffer" "flexivector")) (:file "editing-stream" :depends-on ("goatee-command" "kill-ring" "dbl-list" "conditions" "editable-buffer" "flexivector" "clim-area" "buffer")) (:file "presentation-history" :depends-on ("editing-stream" "buffer" "flexivector" "editable-buffer" "goatee-command")))))) ;;; CLIM-PostScript is not a backend in the normal sense. ;;; It is an extension (Chap. 35.1 of the spec) and is an ;;; "included" part of McCLIM. Hence the defsystem is here. (defsystem :clim-postscript :depends-on (:clim-basic) :components ((:module "Backends/PostScript" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Backends" "PostScript")) :components ((:file "package") (:file "encoding" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "paper" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "class" :depends-on ("paper" "package")) (:file "font" :depends-on ("encoding" "class" "paper" "package")) (:file "graphics" :depends-on ("encoding" "paper" "class" "font" "package")) (:file "sheet" :depends-on ("paper" "class" "graphics" "package")) (:file "afm" :depends-on ("class" "paper" "font" "package")) (:file "standard-metrics" :depends-on ("font" "package")))))) (defsystem :clim-core :depends-on (:clim-basic :goatee-core :clim-postscript) :components ((:file "text-formatting") (:file "defresource") (:file "input-editing") (:file "presentations") (:file "pointer-tracking" :depends-on ("input-editing")) (:file "graph-formatting") (:file "frames" :depends-on ("commands" "presentations" "presentation-defs" "pointer-tracking" "incremental-redisplay")) (:file "table-formatting" :depends-on ("presentation-defs" "panes" "presentations" "input-editing")) (:file "bordered-output" :depends-on ("input-editing" "incremental-redisplay" "presentation-defs" "panes")) (:file "dialog-views" :depends-on ("presentations" "incremental-redisplay" "bordered-output" "presentation-defs")) (:file "presentation-defs" :depends-on ("input-editing" "presentations")) (:file "gadgets" :depends-on ("commands" "pointer-tracking" "input-editing" "frames" "incremental-redisplay" "panes")) (:file "describe" :depends-on ("presentations" "presentation-defs" "table-formatting")) (:file "commands" :depends-on ("input-editing" "presentations" "presentation-defs")) (:file "incremental-redisplay" :depends-on ("presentation-defs")) (:file "menu-choose" :depends-on ("commands" "table-formatting" "presentation-defs" "panes" "frames" "pointer-tracking" "presentations")) (:file "menu" :depends-on ("panes" "commands" "gadgets" "presentations" "frames")) (:file "panes" :depends-on ("incremental-redisplay" "presentations" "presentation-defs" "input-editing" "frames")) (:file "dialog" :depends-on ("panes" "frames" "incremental-redisplay" "table-formatting" "presentations" "bordered-output" "presentation-defs" "dialog-views" "input-editing" "commands")) (:file "builtin-commands" :depends-on ("table-formatting" "commands" "presentations" "dialog" "presentation-defs" "input-editing")))) (defsystem :esa-mcclim :depends-on (:clim-core) :components ((:module "ESA" :components ((:file "packages") (:file "utils" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "colors" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "esa" :depends-on ("colors" "packages" "utils")) (:file "esa-buffer" :depends-on ("packages" "esa")) (:file "esa-io" :depends-on ("packages" "esa" "esa-buffer")) (:file "esa-command-parser" :depends-on ("packages" "esa")))))) (defsystem :drei-mcclim :depends-on (:flexichain :esa-mcclim :clim-core #+#.(mcclim.system::dep-on-swank) :swank) :components ((:module "cl-automaton" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Drei" "cl-automaton")) :components ((:file "automaton-package") (:file "eqv-hash" :depends-on ("automaton-package")) (:file "state-and-transition" :depends-on ("eqv-hash")) (:file "automaton" :depends-on ("state-and-transition" "eqv-hash")) (:file "regexp" :depends-on ("automaton")))) (:module "Persistent" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Drei" "Persistent")) :components ((:file "binseq-package") (:file "binseq" :depends-on ("binseq-package")) (:file "obinseq" :depends-on ("binseq-package" "binseq")) (:file "binseq2" :depends-on ("binseq-package" "obinseq" "binseq")))) (:module "Drei" :depends-on ("cl-automaton" "Persistent") :components ((:file "packages") (:file "buffer" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "motion" :depends-on ("packages" "buffer" "syntax")) (:file "editing" :depends-on ("packages" "buffer" "syntax" "motion" "kill-ring")) (:file "base" :depends-on ("packages" "buffer" "persistent-buffer" "kill-ring")) (:file "syntax" :depends-on ("packages" "buffer" "base")) (:file "drei" :depends-on ("packages" "syntax" "buffer" "base" "persistent-undo" "persistent-buffer" "abbrev" "delegating-buffer" "undo" "motion" "editing")) (:file "drei-clim" :depends-on ("drei")) (:file "drei-redisplay" :depends-on ("drei-clim")) (:file "input-editor" :depends-on ("drei-redisplay" "lisp-syntax" "core")) (:file "fundamental-syntax" :depends-on ("packages" "drei-redisplay")) (:file "abbrev" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "kill-ring" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "undo" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "delegating-buffer" :depends-on ("packages" "buffer")) (:file "basic-commands" :depends-on ("drei-clim" "motion" "editing")) (:file "core" :depends-on ("drei")) (:file "buffer-streams" :depends-on ("core")) (:file "rectangle" :depends-on ("core")) (:file "core-commands" :depends-on ("core" "rectangle" "drei-clim")) (:file "persistent-buffer" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Persistent") :name "persistent-buffer" :type "lisp") :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "persistent-undo" :pathname #p"Persistent/persistent-undo.lisp" :depends-on ("packages" "buffer" "persistent-buffer" "undo")) (:file "misc-commands" :depends-on ("basic-commands")) (:file "unicode-commands" :depends-on ("core" "drei-clim")) (:file "search-commands" :depends-on ("core" "drei-clim")) (:file "lisp-syntax" :depends-on ("motion" "fundamental-syntax" "core")) (:file "lisp-syntax-swine" :depends-on ("lisp-syntax")) (:file "lisp-syntax-commands" :depends-on ("lisp-syntax-swine" "misc-commands")) #+#.(mcclim.system::ifswank) (:file "lisp-syntax-swank" :depends-on ("lisp-syntax")))))) (defsystem :drei-tests :depends-on (:drei-mcclim :fiveam) :components ((:module "Tests" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Drei" "Tests")) :components ((:module "cl-automaton" :depends-on ("testing") :components ((:file "eqv-hash-tests") (:file "state-and-transition-tests") (:file "automaton-tests") (:file "regexp-tests"))) (:file "packages") (:file "testing" :depends-on ("packages")) (:file "buffer-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "base-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "kill-ring-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "motion-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "editing-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "core-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "buffer-streams-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "rectangle-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "undo-tests" :depends-on ("testing")) (:file "lisp-syntax-tests" :depends-on ("testing")))))) (defsystem :clim :depends-on (:clim-core :goatee-core :clim-postscript :drei-mcclim) :components ((:file "Goatee/presentation-history" ; XXX: this is loaded as part of the Goatee system. huh? :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Goatee") :name "presentation-history" :type "lisp")) (:file "input-editing-goatee") (:file "input-editing-drei") (:file "text-editor-gadget") (:file "Extensions/rgb-image" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Extensions") :name "rgb-image")))) (defsystem :clim-clx :depends-on (:clim #+(or sbcl openmcl ecl allegro) :clx) :components ((:module "Backends/CLX" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Backends" "CLX")) :components ((:file "package") (:file "image" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "keysyms-common" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "keysyms" :depends-on ("keysyms-common" "package")) (:file "keysymdef" :depends-on ("keysyms-common" "package")) (:file "port" :depends-on ("keysyms-common" "keysyms" "package")) (:file "medium" :depends-on ("port" "keysyms" "package")) (:file "graft" :depends-on ("port" "package")) (:file "frame-manager" :depends-on ("medium" "port" "package")))))) (defsystem :clim-null :depends-on (:clim) :components ((:module "Backends/Null" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Backends" "Null")) :components ((:file "package") (:file "port" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "medium" :depends-on ("port" "package")) (:file "graft" :depends-on ("port" "package")) (:file "frame-manager" :depends-on ("medium" "port" "package")))))) (defsystem :clim-gtkairo :depends-on (:clim :cffi) :components ((:module "Backends/gtkairo" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Backends" "gtkairo")) :serial t ;asf wird's ja richten :components ((:file "clim-fix") (:file "package") (:file "gtk-ffi") (:file "cairo-ffi") (:file "ffi") (:file "graft") (:file "port") (:file "event") (:file "keys") (:file "medium") (:file "pango") (:file "cairo") (:file "gdk") (:file "pixmap") (:file "frame-manager") (:file "gadgets"))))) ;;; TODO/asf: I don't have the required libs to get :clim-opengl to load. tough. (clim-defsystem (:clim-opengl :depends-on (:clim)) "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-x-frame-manager" "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-frame-manager" "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-x-port-before" "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-port" "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-x-port-after" "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-medium" "Backends/OpenGL/opengl-x-graft") ;;; A system that loads the appropriate backend for the current ;;; platform. (defsystem :clim-looks :depends-on (:clim :clim-postscript ;; If we're on an implementation that ships CLX, use ;; it. Same if the user has loaded CLX already. #+(and (or sbcl scl openmcl ecl clx allegro) (not gtkairo)) :clim-clx #+gl :clim-opengl ;; OpenMCL and MCL support the beagle backend (native ;; OS X look&feel on OS X). ;; But until it's ready, it's no use forcing users to ;; cope with possible bugs. ;; #+(or openmcl mcl) :clim-beagle #+gtkairo :clim-gtkairo ;; null backend :clim-null ) :components (#-gtkairo (:file "Looks/pixie" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Looks") :name "pixie" :type "lisp")))) ;;; The actual McCLIM system that people should to use in their ASDF ;;; package dependency lists. (defsystem :mcclim :version "0.9.4" :depends-on (:clim-looks)) (defmethod perform :after ((op load-op) (c (eql (find-system :clim)))) (pushnew :clim *features*) (pushnew :mcclim *features*)) (defmethod perform :after ((op load-op) (c (eql (find-system :mcclim)))) (pushnew :clim *features*) (pushnew :mcclim *features*)) ;; XXX This is very ugly, but ESA and Drei need to know whether they ;; are being compiled as part of McCLIM, or in another CLIM ;; implementation. (defmethod perform :around (op c) (if (and (or (eql (component-system c) (find-system :esa-mcclim)) (eql (component-system c) (find-system :drei-mcclim))) (not (find :building-mcclim *features*))) (unwind-protect (progn (push :building-mcclim *features*) (call-next-method)) (setf *features* (delete :building-mcclim *features*))) (call-next-method))) ;;; -*- lisp -*- (defpackage :clouseau.system (:use :cl :asdf)) (in-package :clouseau.system) (defsystem :clouseau :depends-on (:mcclim) :serial t :components ((:module "Apps/Inspector" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Apps" "Inspector")) :components ((:file "package") (:file "disassembly" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "inspector" :depends-on ("disassembly")))))) ;;; -*- lisp -*- (defpackage :scigraph.system (:use :cl :asdf)) (in-package :scigraph.system) ;;; This won't load in SBCL, either. I have really crappy code to ;;; extract dependency information from :serial t ASDF systems, but ;;; this comment is too narrow to contain it. (defsystem :scigraph :depends-on (:mcclim) ;; The DWIM part of SCIGRAPH :serial t :components ( (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/package") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/feature-case") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/macros") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/tv") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/draw") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/present") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/extensions") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/wholine") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/dwim/export") ;; The Scigraph part (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/package") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/copy") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/dump") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/duplicate") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/random") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/menu-tools") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/basic-classes") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/draw") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/mouse") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/color") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/basic-graph") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/graph-mixins") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/axis") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/moving-object") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/symbol") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/graph-data") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/legend") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/graph-classes") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/present") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/annotations") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/annotated-graph") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/contour") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/equation") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/popup-accept") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/popup-accept-methods") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/duplicate-methods") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/frame") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/export") (:file "Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/demo-frame"))) ;;; -*- lisp -*- (defpackage :clim-listener.system (:use :cl :asdf)) (in-package :clim-listener.system) (defsystem :clim-listener :depends-on (:mcclim #+sbcl :sb-posix) :components ((:file "Experimental/xpm" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Experimental") :name "xpm" :type "lisp")) (:module "Apps/Listener" :pathname #.(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Apps" "Listener")) :depends-on ("Experimental/xpm") :components ((:file "package") (:file "util" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "icons" :depends-on ("package" "util")) (:file "file-types" :depends-on ("package" "icons" "util")) (:file "dev-commands" :depends-on ("package" "icons" "file-types" "util")) (:file "listener" :depends-on ("package" "file-types" "icons" "dev-commands" "util")) #+CMU (:file "cmu-hacks" :depends-on ("package")))))) ;;; -*- lisp -*- (defpackage :clim-examples.system (:use :cl :asdf)) (in-package :clim-examples.system) ;;; CLIM-Examples depends on having at least one backend loaded. (defsystem :clim-examples :depends-on (:mcclim) :components ((:module "Examples" :components ((:file "calculator") (:file "colorslider") (:file "menutest") ; extra (:file "address-book") (:file "traffic-lights") (:file "clim-fig") (:file "postscript-test") (:file "puzzle") (:file "transformations-test") (:file "demodemo") (:file "stream-test") (:file "presentation-test") (:file "dragndrop") (:file "gadget-test") (:file "accepting-values") (:file "method-browser") (:file "stopwatch") (:file "dragndrop-translator") (:file "draggable-graph") (:file "text-size-test") (:file "drawing-benchmark") (:file "logic-cube") (:file "views") (:file "font-selector"))) (:module "Goatee" :components ((:file "goatee-test")))))