I have been finding that my application-panes look to be off in width by the width of their scroll-bars. When I look at the COMPOSE-SPACE definitions (these are a little overwhelming for a novice like me) it looks like the effective method for compose-space for an application-pane is this one: (defmethod compose-space ((pane clim-stream-pane) &key width height) (let ((w (bounding-rectangle-width (stream-output-history pane))) (h (bounding-rectangle-height (stream-output-history pane)))) (make-space-requirement :width w :min-width w :max-width +fill+ :height h :min-height h :max-height +fill+))) This one doesn't have the potential for adding the width of scrollbars. Does this look like the right fix? (defmethod compose-space :around ((pane clim-stream-pane) &key width height) (let ((inner-width (call-next-method))) (with-slots (scroll-bars) pane (cond ((null scroll-bars) inner-width) ((eq scroll-bars :vertical) (space-requirement+ inner-width (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'vscrollbar)))) ((eq scroll-bars :horizontal) (space-requirement+ inner-width (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'hscrollbar)))) (t (space-requirement+ inner-width (space-requirement+ (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'vscrollbar)) (compose-space (slot-value (pane-scroller pane) 'hscrollbar)))))))))