Christophe Rhodes <csr21@cam.ac.uk> writes:
Friedrich Dominicus <frido@q-software-solutions.de> writes:
sorry, I have not idea what mcclim does with German Umlauts. I'm using sbcl with :sb-unicode in the *features* list but if there e.g a À or even a § in a text, I will be thrown into the debugger.
On the assumption that you're using the CLX backend, I think the relevant piece of code is the default :TRANSLATE function in clx. Yes I use CLX and I found the relevant pieces e.g: #-unicode (defun translate (src src-start src-end afont dst dst-start) ;; This is for replacing the clx-translate-default-function
but also ; Yes, the following is a nasty hack. ; It's just a proof of concept, I'll try not to commit it :] ; If it does get committed, it shouldn't affect anyone much... #+unicode (defun translate (source source-start source-end initial-font destination destination-start) ; do the first character especially (let* ((code (char-code (char source source-start))) (result (fontset-point code))) in medium.lisp in McCLIM/Backends/CLX/ well my featurs list says that :sb-unicode is part of it but not :unicode. However something is there and I'm now wondering: a) wether to use it b) if that is sufficient
What do I have to do to make Umlauts running with SBCL?
Take a look at translate.lisp in climacs CVS, and see if that can be adapted to your needs.
Must be sitting around here somewhere.
(Note: the issue is more complex than this simple "solution" might imply. I'm assuming that you don't actually want to think about the complexity of managing font sets with differing encodings, but please don't let me stop you.)
I was afraid that that's the case and asked therefor if someone more in "CLIM" has an idea. I'm just starting to learn it and well at the moment I have a rough understanding on how it works. But there are so many functions, macros etc, that it's a long way to go till I get a base understanding... Besides it seems that McCLIM /= CLIM in some aspects. Just one example this compiles and works in McCLIM (define-command-table file-menu :inherit-from '(user-command-table) :menu (("Load" :command com-load-account) ("Quit" :command com-quit-application))) but LWs CLIM accepts that too but while starting the application I got: (main) Error: Command table NIL not found 1 (abort) Return to level 0. 2 Return to top loop level 0. That's really encouriging, because: (find-command-table 'USER-COMMAND-TABLE) #<STANDARD-COMMAND-TABLE USER-COMMAND-TABLE 21F0D66C> but of course something here might be wrong for LW-CLIM (define-application-frame clim-account () ((current-account :initform nil :accessor current-account) (interaction-pane)) (:pointer-documentation :t) (:menu-bar (("File" :menu file-menu))) (:panes (interactor :interactor) (actual-account :application :incremental-redisplay t :display-function #'display-current-account) (accounts :application :incremental-redisplay t :display-function #'display-accounts)) (:layouts (default (vertically () (horizontally () actual-account accounts) interactor)))) which seems to be fine for McCLIM. So the C in CLIM seems to be a overoptimistic.... but that's a different story.... Regards Friedrich