29 Sep
29 Sep
11:07 p.m.
On Friday 29 September 2006 18:38, Paul Werkowski wrote:
Assuming you really meant this (whre INSTANCE is used instead of FRAME in (find-pane-named ...)
(defmethod run-frame-top-level :before ((instance test-frame) &key) (setf (gadget-value (find-pane-named instance 'tester)) "this doesn't"))
Doh! Even so, when fixing it as you kindly indicated, it still bombs -- please see attached updated foo.lisp and a log file containing a backtrace... -jm -- ==== John Morrison ==== MAK Technologies Inc. ==== 68 Moulton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 ==== http://www.mak.com/ ==== vox:617-876-8085 x115 ==== fax:617-876-9208 ==== jm@mak.com