Troels Henriksen <athas@sigkill.dk> writes:
It's not a big issue to actually define a bunch of presentation methods for gadget views outside of dialogs, though, I'm willing to postpone that to a later date.
[technical issues]
I'm not familiar enough with dialogs to provide advice on this, so I'll defer to your recommendations.
Ok, I have now attached a third revision of the patch to add the infrastructure needed to support gadget based accepting-values dialogs. The big change is that encapsulating streams now support the incremental redisplay protocol, and so stream-accept on an accepting-values-stream can now pass the encapsulating stream to accept-present-default. This removes a bit of the ugliness from the accept-present-default methods for displaying gadgets in general. I'm still trying to figure out how to make nested calls to accept work (e.g. for a user defined accept-present-default that accepts a few primitive types) without resorting to nested accepting-values calls. I've also attached a newer avg.lisp that should be fully working if a bit in need of cleanup. Now supported are text-field and text-editor gadgets. -- thehurdguy: LOL you'll end up being like that urban myth thehurdguy: the guy that thinks he's orange juice thehurdguy: I'll be like "dude, I know a lisp programmer who did so much acid, he thinks he's an empty list..."