Hello all! As I have understood, it seems that :own-window t for accepting-values or NOTIFY-USER is not available yet in McCLIM. I really have my heart set on using a pop-up windows to manage prefs etc. but it seems non-trivial... What I want to do is: 1 Create a child window 2A Populate with text-fields, checkboxes, and buttons (like gadet-test) 2B Add "Save" button and method that returns/stores the values selected 3 Move focus to child, put original window in background 4 Destroy child window, refocus on original window It certainly seems possible looking at the Clim spec, but when I google it seems that I can't find much about it or examples. Sooo i am wondering if there is a reason for this... So if anyone has a nice example* of how to do this that would be a dream, and if not the next best thing would be if someone had a clear understanding of how it should be donwe. And if not some vauge ideas on how to get started, and where to look would be excellent! Thanks all! /Peter (*Even just a "About" pop-up example would be loveley!)