"Peter Braroe" <peter.braroe@newsmachine.com> writes:
Tried it but didnt seem to work... :-( I will mail you a screenshot direct [...] "Peter Braroe" <peter.braroe@newsmachine.com> writes:
Now all I need to do is to figure out how to get it to draw in color... does anyone know if that is supported with :ink or some other method?
Try wrapping the drawing operations into a WITH-DRAWING-OPTIONS form.
I have received your screen shot. If you want colored arcs, you may use the :ARC-DRAWING-OPTIONS of FORMAT-GRAPH-FROM-ROOTS. If you are instead interested in colored nodes, try something like this for :OBJECT-PRINTER (untested): #'(lambda (x s) (with-drawing-options (*test-frame* :ink +red+) (princ (car x) s))) Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log