Hi, I've had minor problems with Scigraph and a recent CMUCL snapshot. Here are two patches that work for me: *** Apps/Scigraph/dwim/package.lisp 6 Aug 2004 13:19:40 -0000 1.4 --- Apps/Scigraph/dwim/package.lisp 2 May 2005 15:24:25 -0000 *************** *** 50,56 **** parse-error *default-server-path*) #+clim ! (:use clim-lisp) #-clim (:use lisp clos))) --- 50,56 ---- parse-error *default-server-path*) #+clim ! (:use :clim-lisp) #-clim (:use lisp clos))) and *** Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/draw.lisp 6 Aug 2004 13:19:40 -0000 1.2 --- Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/draw.lisp 2 May 2005 15:24:41 -0000 *************** *** 135,145 **** (with-drawing-options (,stream :clipping-region .x.) ,@body))) (:clim-2 ! (let ((.x. *clim-clip-rectangle*)) ! (setf (bounding-rectangle-min-x .x.) le ! (bounding-rectangle-min-y .x.) te ! (bounding-rectangle-max-x .x.) re ! (bounding-rectangle-max-y .x.) be) (with-drawing-options (,stream :clipping-region .x.) ,@body)))))) --- 135,150 ---- (with-drawing-options (,stream :clipping-region .x.) ,@body))) (:clim-2 ! (let* ((.x. *clim-clip-rectangle*) ! (coords (slot-value .x. 'coordinates))) ;mcclim only ! (setf (aref coords 0) le ! (aref coords 1) te ! (aref coords 2) re ! (aref coords 3) be) ! ;; (setf (bounding-rectangle-min-x .x.) le ! ;; (bounding-rectangle-min-y .x.) te ! ;; (bounding-rectangle-max-x .x.) re ! ;; (bounding-rectangle-max-y .x.) be) (with-drawing-options (,stream :clipping-region .x.) ,@body)))))) *************** *** 223,229 **** (clip ,x1 ,x2 yb ,y1 ,y2))))) (let ((c1 (code x1 y1)) (c2 (code x2 y2))) ! (declare (type (integer 0 9) c1 c2)) (loop (and (zerop c1) (zerop c2) (return (values x1 y1 x2 y2))) (or (zerop (logand c1 c2)) (return nil)) (clip-point c1 x1 y1 x2 y2) --- 228,234 ---- (clip ,x1 ,x2 yb ,y1 ,y2))))) (let ((c1 (code x1 y1)) (c2 (code x2 y2))) ! (declare (type (integer 0 10) c1 c2)) (loop (and (zerop c1) (zerop c2) (return (values x1 y1 x2 y2))) (or (zerop (logand c1 c2)) (return nil)) (clip-point c1 x1 y1 x2 y2) *************** *** 425,448 **** (when transform (multiple-value-setq (x1 y1) (uv-to-screen stream x1 y1)) (multiple-value-setq (x2 y2) (uv-to-screen stream x2 y2))) ! (multiple-value-setq (x1 y1 x2 y2) (clip-line-to-clip-rectangle x1 y1 x2 y 2)) ! (if x1 ! (if (zerop dash-pattern) ! (progn ! (draw-line x1 y1 x2 y2 :stream stream :alu alu ! :thickness thickness :line-end-shape ! (if end-point-p line-end-shape :no-end-point)) ! 0.0) ! (progn ! (dash-line ! dash-pattern x1 y1 x2 y2 dash-ds ! :stream stream ! :alu alu ! :thickness thickness ! :pattern pattern) ! ;; draw end caps here. ! )) ! dash-ds))) ; Don't change ds. (defun device-draw-lines (stream points &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys) (let ((ds (or (getf keys :dash-ds) 0.0))) --- 430,454 ---- (when transform (multiple-value-setq (x1 y1) (uv-to-screen stream x1 y1)) (multiple-value-setq (x2 y2) (uv-to-screen stream x2 y2))) ! (multiple-value-bind (x1 y1 x2 y2) ! (clip-line-to-clip-rectangle x1 y1 x2 y2) ! (if x1 ! (if (zerop dash-pattern) ! (progn ! (draw-line x1 y1 x2 y2 :stream stream :alu alu ! :thickness thickness :line-end-shape ! (if end-point-p line-end-shape :no-end-point)) ! 0.0) ! (progn ! (dash-line ! dash-pattern x1 y1 x2 y2 dash-ds ! :stream stream ! :alu alu ! :thickness thickness ! :pattern pattern) ! ;; draw end caps here. ! )) ! dash-ds)))) ; Don't change ds. (defun device-draw-lines (stream points &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys) (let ((ds (or (getf keys :dash-ds) 0.0))) Regards, Alex __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com