One thing that's made the built-in describe less useful for me than it might be is that it seems to bottom out at CONSes. So if I have data structures that contain a CONS (e.g., a list-valued slot), I get tantalizingly close to seeing what I want to see, but then can't drill down any further. [I suppose I could try invoking Clouseau...] I believe it would be relatively straightforward to add a new describe-object method that would look at the contents of a CONS, but I'm concerned that this might be risky in the case of objects that are very large. PPRINT, of course, gets around this by using *print-length*, and I suppose I could also, but that seems like an abuse of a built in. For lack of a better, here's what I came up with (inserted into DESCRIBE.LISP): (defmethod describe-object ((thing list) stream) (format stream "~S is a list~%" thing) (loop for x in thing for i from 0 until (and *print-length* (= i *print-length*)) do (describe-object x stream) (terpri stream) finally (when (< (1+ i) (length thing)) (format stream "...~%")))) I don't think that the above is really right, but perhaps it's a step in the right direction? Can anyone refine it? Also, when I was editing describe.lisp, it confused my emacs interface a bunch, because the mode line lists specifies COMMON-LISP as the package, but the in-package form says CLIM-LISP. The Allegro Emacs-lisp interface ignores the latter in favor of the former! Best, R