Hi Troels and David, Originally I wanted to answer to your emails when everything works ... but as there are new problems which make it impossible to use sbcl on my computer I will switch back to cmucl for a while and postpone the development of the gui until sbcl works again. As this might take some time I thought I rather answer to your last emails now. Following your suggestions I installed sbcl, the lisp userland and mcclim with clbuild - and beside some minor problems (inbetween them the crashing of more or less half of the mcclim demodemo examples) things seemed to work somehow. As I only need very simple gui functionality, I decided to give it a try and ported my code from cmucl to sbcl as you told me that this is the lisp implementation which currently works best with mcclim. Unfortunately since yesterday there is a new problem with an updated version of libc6 on debian which renders sbcl unusable on my computer (See the thread "[Sbcl-devel] SBCL hanging seemingly randomly", http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=1204420182.4466.42.camel%40hake&forum_name=sbcl-devel ) and I will switch back to cmucl and postpone the development of the gui until things work again. Thanks a lot for your help and the efforts you put into mcclim! Probably until some time later, Dietrich On Sun, 2008-02-24 at 01:51 +0100, Troels Henriksen wrote:
Dietrich Bollmann <diresu@web.de> writes:
As far as I remember it was the calculator.
I also tried the drawing tool (first example button) and I think a similar exception message was shown.
Everything that uses the text-editing substrate will fail. The calculator uses it for the display (which is OK), and the drawing tool, provided you mean CLIM-FIG, uses it as a status-bar, which is really not how it's supposed to be used, but whatever.
To fix it, you must install the CVS version Flexichain library. This is a temporary problem until the next release of Flexichain (after which the asdf-installable version will work just fine).