Hello, Marcus Eskilsson writes:
I have started a lil' work here on some McCLIM based software and I have run into a bit of an issue.
I'm trying to have a pane with a display-function that displays me an image I load from a PNM, and this fails for me.
Basically I have (excuse the indentation. thunderbird mail client etc.)
(defmethod pane-display (frame stream) (draw-design (find-pane-named frame 'foo-pane) (climi::make-rgb-image-design (image::read-image-file "foo.pnm"))))
This is because there are several, mutually incompatible image extensions in McCLIM. When you do (image::read-image-file ...) the raw data is returned, whereas climi::make-rgb-image design requires an object of type rgb-image which you create by giving it :width, :height, and :data initargs. Regards, -- Robert Strandh --------------------------------------------------------------------- Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------