Hello, Since I'm under the impression that code in the Experimental directory is, well, experimental, I've committed a version of the experimental freetype bindings which works on SBCL. I've optimized away the %SAP-ALIEN problems, and the end product is reasonably usable. It's a bit laggy until the glyph cache warms up, but after that it's just fine. Here's a gratuitous screenshot: http://www.unmutual.info/images/slidemacs-big.png I'm pretty sure that this doesn't work on CMUCL anymore, as CMUCL has slightly different names (DEF-ALIEN-TYPE and -ROUTINE), but a little macrology should restore CMUCL workingness if anybody's interested in giving it a try. In order to use this under SBCL, you must use the .asd file, as there's a little ASDF muckery in there to work around the fact that compiling the freetype-ffi file currently stuffs up in SBCL. After the rest of the code finishes compiling, you should see a message about setting mcclim-freetype:*freetype-font-path* - set this to a directory containing the Bitstream Vera fonts, and don't forget the final / on the pathname or else merge-pathnames is not going to be happy. Comments and patches welcome, especially from CMUCL users. -- Brian Mastenbrook "God made the natural numbers; http://www.iscblog.info/ all else is the work of man." chandler@unmutual.info -- Leopold Kroneker